Friday, February 13, 2009


Well, I've transplanted the Yellow Pear Tomatoes, Cilantro, and one Italian Grape Tomato. I need more light though, before I transplant anymore. I think I'm going to go with a 4' or 3' light fixture with one sunlight bulb (5500K 96CRI) for the blue spectrum and one standard florescent bulb (around 2500K) for the red spectrum. For pots, I used some I found laying around the house, but for the additional pots I will need, I will find them in the recycling bin in the form of orange juice containers and pop bottles. I used an orange juice container and it seems to work quite well. I just cut it in half and flipped the top around to hold soil, which then nests in the bottom, which catches the water.

1 comment:

  1. I dig the recycling!! much more fashionable than my plastic :)
